Agricoltura - Page title settore

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The product range is mainly composed by control systems, navigation systems, control units, ball valves, nozzles and accessories for orchard and crop sprayers.

Through the use of innovative technologies, our computers calibrate the right amount of fluids precisely and efficiently to ensure the environmental protection and saving on products.

Today Tecomec group collaborates with the most important sector OEMs thanks to customized and specific products complementing the most sofisticated operating machines for crop protection.

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The Division

Awareness of market requirements and quickly translating this information into solutions is the core of Tecomec success.
The farming community has become increasingly more aware of environment-related issues over the years.
The need to measure out the exact dose of plant-protection products is reflected fully in the innovative philosophy of this company division.
The distribution of the liquid products is adjusted and measured both by cutting-edge electronic control systems and by simpler and very practical accessories.
Computers make it possible to enter all the operating parameters such as: pressure, velocity, flow rate, coverage, amount distributed, duration, and distance, etc.
A catalogue of over 2,300 crop treatment items has grown from the company’s innovative way of thinking and outstanding design capabilities, offering the possibility to fully equip sprayers of all styles.
The Geoline brand is sold by retailers in more than fifty countries around the world.

Our Brands
Logo brand Geoline Logo brand Agres Logo brand Spraycom

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Virtual Field

Tecomec is glad to present the Agriculture virtual field.
Here, it is possible to find all the components mounted on orchard and crop sprayers.

Freely move into this space, choose the machine type and browse the media.

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Asset Publisher

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Modular control unit for orchard sprayers

Modular control unit for orchard sprayers ideal for various types of sprayers, self-propelled, pull-type or mounted, completed with pressure relief valve, dump valve, volumteric valve, flowmeter and section valve.
Electric control unit suitable to be connected to GeoSystem and GeoNave computer series.

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Modular control unit for crop sprayer
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GeoNave 30 Geoline
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GeoNave 31 Geoline
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GeoSystem 190S Geoline

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